Red Oak Covered Bridge
Built in the 1840s, the historic
covered bridge over Red Oak
Creek is the oldest in Georgia
and is still in use today.
The Civil War in Georgia
An original Confederate
cannon overlooks the
Chattahoochee River in the
historic city of Fort Gaines.
Georgia Historic Sites and Points of Interest
Historic Sites in Georgia
Historic Sites in Georgia
St. Simons Lighthouse The historic light tower on St. Simons Island is said to be haunted by the ghost of a keeper who was murdered in 1880.
History in the Peach State...
Georgia was one of the 13 original colonies
and is a state noted for its diverse outdoor
secenery, culture and history.
Few states can rival the wide array of historic
sites that visitors find in Georgia. Historic
sites and points of interest include
battlefields, forts, Indian mounds, historical
homes, lighthouses, ruins of colonial
settlements and even the massive granite
dome of Stone Mountain near Atlanta.
To learn more about Georgia and its historic
sites, please follow the links below:
The Golden Isles
The Atlantic Ocean laps at the
shores of Jekyll Island, one of
the famed Golden Isles of
Georgia. Separated from the
mainland by the Marshes of
Glynn, the island is stunning.
Rock Eagle Effigy
Located just north of Eatonton
in Middle Georgia, the Rock
Eagle is a stunning reminder
of Georgia's prehistoric past.
Copyright 2017 by Dale Cox All rights reserved.
Last Updated: June 25, 2017
(Some contents Copyright 2012 by Dale Cox)
Rose Hill Cemetery
Overlooking downtown
Macon, Rose Hill Cemetery is
the burial place of Southern
Rock legends Duane Allman
and Berry Oakley, founding
members of the Allman
Brothers Band.
Savannah, Georgia
One of the most beautiful
cities in the world, Savannah
is one of the South's most
popular heritage destinations.
Augusta, Georgia
Historic St. Paul's Church,
scene of a fierce battle of the
American Revolution, is
among the numerous historic
sites in Georgia's second
oldest city.
Alexander H. Stephens
Liberty Hall, the historic home
of Confederate Vice President
Alexander H. Stephens, is in
Crawfordville, Georgia.
Fort Pulaski
The brick fort at Savannah
was the scene of a Civil War
battle that forever changed
military history.
History Sites & Points of Interest