Vikings in Oklahoma?
This structure at Heavener
Runestone Park in Oklahoma
preserves carvings that some
believe were left by Vikings.
Outlaws on the Frontier
Numerous sites in Oklahoma
preserve the heritage of the
"Old West" and its lawmen
and outlaws.
Oklahoma Historic Sites & Points of Interest
Oklahoma Historic Sites & Points of Interest
Honey Springs Battlefield
Near Checotah, this state park preserves the scene
of the "Gettysburg of the West." The battle turned
the tide of the conflict in Indian Territory.
Southern History in the Old West
The modern state of Oklahoma is home to
some of the most scenic country and unique
historic sites in the South. Rich in both Native
American and "Old West" history, the state is
an outstanding destination.

The links below provide you with information
on some of the unique historic sites and
natural wonders of Oklahoma. From places
associated with the Trail of Tears to Civil War
battlefields and even alleged Viking carvings,
Oklahoma offers a myriad of attractions of
interest to those with a love of history and
Muskogee Azalea Festival
One of the premier events in
the South takes place each
spring in Muskogee, a city
with a rich cultural history and
tremendous scenic beauty.
Winding Stair Mountains
Where the wind sweeps
down the...mountains? Few
people realize that eastern
Oklahoma is home to some
of the most beautiful and
historic mountains in the
Copyright 2017 by Dale Cox
All rights reserved.

Last Updated: June 25, 2017

(Some material Copyright 2012)
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