The Shooting Star Ghost - Georgetown, South Carolina - Georgetown Ghost, South Carolina - Georgetown Ghost, South Carolina
The unusual story of the Georgetown Ghost in South Carolina received considerable attention during the decades
following the Civil War. Also called the "Shooting Star" ghost, the spectre was commonly reported by the residents of
the area. The account below appeared in a Charleston newspaper in 1900. Please note that some of the language is
not considered proper today:

The Georgetown Ghost Again: A South Carolina Spook with the Shooting Star habit
makes another Appearance

Charleston, S.C., Dispatch - Again has the Georgetown Ghost been seen. This goblin has been doing various stunts
since the closing days of the war. It appears as an old negro, well groomed and dressed, and showing the darky
fashion of antebellum days. The scene of his wanderings is in one of the small towns of Georgetown county. He
suddenly bobs into view and is gone again in a twinkling. He is the shooting star ghost.

A woman from Charleston was visiting recently in the town where the old man has been seen and she has brought
the fresh story to this city. She was out walking one afternoon with a little girl and they had passed from the woodland
into a great open space. Suddenly, the child uttered a scream and ran back toward her home. Even before she heard
the cry the Charleston woman saw a strange looking darky spring up as if from the ground and then disappear just as
quickly. The suddenness of the thing startled her. The child knew at once that it was the Georgetown ghost, for she
had often heard the story. The visitor, however, had never heard of the ghost. She saw the ghost distinctly enough to
remember the form and features of the old darky.

Just about the close of the war, a planter in the county was killed and it was said that he was murdered by a former
slave, who made good his escape. So many versions of the affair were given that the true account is in doubt. One
story was that the slave was killed in the place where this ghost is always found, and this came to be the accepted

From the Charlotte Observer, November 8, 1900, page 3.
Copyright 2011 by Dale Cox
All rights reserved.