Bell Witch Appears in Alabama - 1912 - Bell Witch Sighting in Alabama - Bell Witch Sighting in Alabama
The well known Bell Witch of Tennessee also supposedly appeared in both Mississippi and Alabama. The article
below details alleged sightings that took place in Lauderdale County, Alabama, in 1912:

Bell Witch with Terrifying Scream Abroad in Lauderdale

Florence, Ala., Feb. 24 - The Bell witch, which many years ago brought terror and destruction to an East Tennessee
family, has reappeared, this time in Blackburn beat, this (Lauderdale) county, according to the belief of some
residents of that place. The story has reached Florence that a strange animal is seen roaming in that section which
resembles a large dog, but the most terrifying part of it is its scream. This can be heard for a mile or more ad
resembles the scream of a woman in terror. The animal is reddish brown color with a white streak about its throat.
Few have seen it but many have heard it and the boldest are afraid to be abroad after dark.

Remembering the sad fate of Judge Bell no one has had courage to shoot at the animal. Squire Silas L. Bradley, of
Blackburn beat, who was a recent visitor to Florence, is convinced that a deep mystery surrounds the strange animal.

From the Montgomery Advertiser, February 25, 1912, page 3.
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