Redoubt #4 at Blakeley
The main Union breakthrough
at the Battle of Blakeley took
place here at Redoubt #4, a
key Confederate fort.
Third Union Parallel
The breastworks of the third
and final Union siege parallel
stretch across the northern
end of the battlefield.
The Battle of Fort Blakeley - Spanish Fort, Alabama - The Battle of Fort Blakeley, Alabama - The Battle of Fort Blakeley, Alabama
Union Battery at Blakeley, Alabama Both Union and Confederate earthworks can still be seen at Historic Blakeley State Park, site of one of the last major battles of the Civil War.
The Battle of Fort Blakeley
Sometimes called the Battle of Fort Blakeley
("Fort Blakely"), the Battle of Blakeley was
one of the last major encounters of the Civil
War. Fought near the end of the Mobile
Campaign, it assured the fall of Mobile and
was one of the bloodiest battles fought in the
state of Alabama.
The site of the main fighting of the battle is
now preserved at the Historic Blakeley State
Park, located just north of Spanish Fort on
Alabama Highway 225. The park preserves
both Union and Confederate fortifications
from the battle.
The Battle of Blakeley began in April of 1865
when Union forces converged on the
important Confederate defenses there.
Despite skirmishing and forays from the
Southern defenders of Blakeley, the Union
forces constructed a series of three parallels,
each one closer to the Confederate lines
than the previous. The last or Third Parallel
was only 500 yards from the main
Confederate line.
From this last parallel, the Federal troops
pushed forward zig zag approach trench that
took them even closer to the Southern
After nearby Spanish Fort fell on the night of
April 8, 1865, the Union troops besieging
Blakeley were reinforced by additional men
and the main attack began at 5:25 p.m. the
next afternoon.
In a hammering series of assaults that
spread from the left to the right, the Union
troops charged into a storm of musketry and
artillery fire from the Confederate
fortifications. In front of Redoubt #4, one of
the primary Confederate forts, the men of the
3rd Brigade of the 2nd Division, led by the
83rd Ohio Infantry, charged down through a
large ravine. The attack came so fast that the
Confederates in the fort were hindered in
their defense due to the necessity to hold
their fire to avoid hitting some of their own
skirmishers who were falling back ahead of
the Union attack.
By the time the ground in front of the fort was
clear, it was too late. Despite heavy fire from
the Confederates, the Union troops surged
up and over the walls of the redoubt. Some of
the Southern troops there surrendered, but
others fell back out of the fort and continued
fighting. In the end, though, the defenders of
Blakeley were forced to surrender.
When the smoke had cleared, 216 men lay
dead, 955 had been wounded and 3,050
Confederate soldiers were prisoners of war.
The site of the attack on Redoubt #4 is now
preserved at Historic Blakeley State Park.
Visitors can tour the battlefield on foot or by
car daily. Features include the Confederate
fortifications, the Union breastworks and
artillery batteries and the scene of the Union
Attack on Redoubt #4
Union troops stormed across
this ground in the attack that
led to the breakthrough at
Redoubt #4 and the end of
the Battle of Blakeley.
Copyright 2011 by Dale Cox All rights reserved.