Amish Country - Lawrence County, Tennessee
Amish Country - Lawrence County, Tennessee
Amish Farm in Tennessee
The red barns and well-kept pastures and fields
draw visitors from around the country for tours of
Amish country in Lawrence County, Tennessee.
Amish of Tennessee
An Amish carriage makes its
way down a four-lane highway
in the charming community of
Ethridge, Tennessee.
Horse and Carriage
Such scenes are common in
Lawrence County, Tennessee
where Amish families settled
in the 1940s.
Amish Country of Lawrence County, Tennessee
The Amish of Tennessee
Copyright 2013 & 2014 by Dale Cox
All rights reserved.

Last Updated: April 24, 2014
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Historic Sites in Tennessee
Green Transportation
The Amish still use authentic
horsepower not just for their
carriages, but for their farm
equipment as well.
View from the Passing Lane
Cars and trucks share the
highways with the horses and
carriages of Amish farmers in
Lawrence County, Tennessee.
When travelers think of Amish country, the
Pennsylvania Dutch country usually comes to
mind, but Amish settlements actually have
spread out across the country. One noted
community is located in Lawrence County,

Tours and other information on the Lawrence
County Amish can be found in Ethridge, a
community just 6 miles north of the county
seat of Lawrenceburg. The county is only
about 90 minutes south of downtown

It is somehow appropriate that the Amish -
who preserve their traditional ways - have
settled in Lawrence County. It was once the
home of the famed frontiersman
Crockett (Davy Crockett), who operated a mill
and ran a law office at Lawrenceburg. The
Amish still run their beautiful farms and live
much as did Crockett and his family nearly
200 years ago.

According to information provided by the City
of Lawrenceburg, the Amish first settled in
the vicinity in January of 1944 when the Dan
Yader, Joe Yoder and Joseph Gingerich
families arrived from Mississippi. Others
followed and a community slowly grew in the
area of what locals called the "Old Convent

Today the community has grown in
population to the point that it includes five
schools where Amish children are taught
"reading, writing and arithmetic." They attend
school until they either reach the 8th grade or
their 14th birthday, whichever comes first. By
this time, however, they have become
proficient in their studies and even can speak
three languages: English, Pennsylvania
Dutch and German.

The Amish lifestyle, which eschews modern
conveniences such as electricity, cars,
television, stylish clothing and even tractors
and modern equipment with which to work
their farms.

The Amish have been living this way for 300
years and have no desire to change, as they
believe it is sinful to do anything that would
bring worldly honor to them.

A conservative division of the Mennonites, the
Amish trace their origins to a break that took
place in Switzerland in 1693. A group of
Anabaptists led by Jakob Ammann formed
their own church and the Amish take their
name from him.  They first emigrated to
Pennsylvania in the 1700s and have spread
across the country since then.

Census data indicates there are now around
282,000 Amish in the United States and
Canada, most o fthem in the United States.
They are organized into church districts and
hold their worship services in the homes of
members on every other Sunday.

The Amish are Christians who believe that
humans should reject pride and arrogance,
but direct their efforts instead to submission
or calmness and composure.
Amish teachings are at odds with the
individualism that has become the focus of
many Americans. They believe, instead, that
as a group they should focus on the Will of
Jesus. Because such things as electricity
could lead to a competition for goods or
status, they do not use them.

The Amish believe that large families are
blessings from God and the focus their time
on their work, their families and their
neighbors. They are generally very polite, but
prefer to remain among people who share
their beliefs and lifestyles.

The Amish district of Lawrence County is
quite beautiful. The farmland secured by the
Amish upon their arrival more than 70 years
ago was not the most productive in the
county, but they have improved its quality over
the years through the use of natural fertilizers
and crop rotation.

If you would like to visit the Amish country of
Tennessee, please keep a few simple things
in mind.

First, Amish beliefs do not allow them to be
photographed except under rare
circumstances. This is because they believe
it is a sin to draw attention to themselves.

Second, they wish only to live their lives and
worship as they choose, rights they are
guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Please
respect their privacy and their beliefs.

Third, do not trespass on their farms or
commit other acts that you would consider to
be rude should a visitor to your own
community do the same.

Tours of Amish Country are available in
Ethridge, Tennessee, which is located just 6
miles north of Lawrenceburg on US 43.  You
can learn more at the
Amish Country Mall at
4011 Hwy 43 North, Ethridge, Tennessee.
David Crockett Museum

Lawrenceburg, Tennessee
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Photos by Pearl Cox & Charlotte Cook