A 36,500 Acre View
Campgrounds and picnic
areas at Three Rivers look out
over beautiful 37,500 acre
Lake Seminole.
Underwater History
A wide variety of historic and
archaeological sites are now
submerged by the lake.
Three Rivers State Park - Sneads, Florida
ExploreSouthernHistory.com - Three Rivers State Park, Florida
Three Rivers State Park
Beautiful lakeside picnic areas are among the
popular attractions at this Florida state park.
The Hills of Lake Seminole
Overlooking Lake Seminole, a 37,500 man-
made reservoir on the border of Florida and
Georgia, Three Rivers State Park is an
outstanding and quite scenic recreational

The park offers camping, fishing, picnicking
and sightseeing along 2 1/2 miles of lake
shoreline and provides access by boat to all
areas of the massive lake.

The area surrounding the park is among the
most historically and archaeologically
significant in the South. Before the lake was
formed by the Jim Woodruff Dam in the
1950s, the now flooded valley visible from the
park was the site of the confluence of the
Flint and Chattahoochee Rivers.

Early Native Americans found this to be an
area rich in food with access to the important
trade and transportation networks provided
by the rivers. Prior to the completion of the
dam, archaeologists excavated Kemp's
Mound and other important Native American
sites on the lake bottom off the park.

Spanish missionaries entered this area in
1674, settling at the Mission Santa Cruz de
Sabacola across the Chattahoochee River.
They were followed by the British and finally
American settlers. Important military events
took place in the area of the confluence
during the War of 1812 and First Seminole

When the United States acquired Florida
from Spain in 1821, settlers flooded into the
area. The Pope settlement grew just outside
the park's southern border during the 1820s.
One of the early residents of this community
was Dr. John Gorrie of South Carolina. He
lived here briefly before moving down river to
Apalachicola, where achieved fame for
inventing such Southern necessities as air
conditioning and the mechanical ice
Spring at Three Rivers
The park preserves a unique
landscape of high hills
overlooking Lake Seminole.
They can be especially
spectacular in the spring.
During the years before the Civil War, the
now submerged lands off the park contained
rich fields of cotton and other crops, grown
on large plantations by the sweat and toil of
enslaved laborers.

Three Rivers became a state park in 1955
when the Jim Woodruff Dam was built. The
park offers camping, cabins, picnic areas,
nature trails and access to Lake Seminole.

Admission is $3 per vehicle or $2 for
bicyclists or pedestrians.  The park is located
at 7908 Three Rivers Road, Sneads, Florida.

Please click here to visit the official website.
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