A Ghost in Macon, Georgia - 1885
ExploreSouthernHistory.com - A Ghost in Macon, Georgia
ExploreSouthernHistory.com - A Ghost in Macon, Georgia
The following story was reported by a number of U.S. newspapers in 1885.
A Georgia Ghost: A Wife Murderer Haunting the Scene of His Crime
Macon, Ga., June 13 - The terrible murder of his wife and suicide of the husband, committed in this city a short time
ago, are still fresh in the memories of the people of Macon. The affair was the most horrible that ever occurred here.
Just now, people who live in the neighborhood of Jones's former residence are excited over certain ghostly figures
that are said to be seen about the house every night. Mr. Robert Sinclair, who was a warm friend of Jones, heard of
the appearance of the ghosts, and accompanied by his dog he went out to the suicide's house to investigate the
matter. Today Mr. Sinclair told a gentleman that he remained in the house for several hours, and that about midnight
Jones's ghost appeared to him and had a conversation with him. "I asked Jones," said Mr. Sinclair, "why he killed his
wife?" "Because I loved her, Mr. Sinclair," says Jones, "and I shall haunt the man who robbed her of her virtue until the
day of his death." Mr. Sinclair scouts the idea that he was deceived by his own excited fancy, and strenuously insists
that he did see Jones's ghost, and that the conversation here recorded really did take place. Whether Mr. Sinclair was
deceived or not the fact remains that many people believe that Jones's house is haunted, and they give it a wide berth
at night.
From the Kansas City Star, June 15, 1885, page 2.
Copyright 2011 by Dale Cox All rights reserved.